What is Doradus?

Doradus is an open source storage and query engine that runs on top of the Cassandra NoSQL database. It provides a high-level data model, Lucene-based query language, and sophisticated aggregate queries with multi-level grouping. You can embed Doradus in an application or execute it standalone with the bundled Jetty server or another web server to provide a REST API. Multiple storage services are available that organize data using techniques designed to benefit specific application types:
  • The OLAP service borrows techniques from Online Analytical Processing, columnar storage, compression, and sharding to yield extremely compact databases. Doradus OLAP requires applications to organize data into time-based shards, and it prefers batch updates of semi-mutable data. For applications that can meet these constraints, databases are extremely compact, and analytic queries can search millions of objects per second.
  • The Logging service is optimized to manage immutable, time-series data such as log records and events.
  • The Spider service is suitable for data that is highly mutable, semi-structured to unstructured, and/or requires fine-grained updates. Updates are instantly reflected in searches, and objects can be updated simultaneously by different applications. Spider is ideal for applications emphasizing full text searches on irregular data.

All three services OLAP, Logging and Spider support the Doradus Query Language (DQL) for object and aggregate queries. For a more detailed overview of Doradus click here. See the Topics below for links to tutorials, examples, detailed documentation, and a simple 1-2-3 getting started process.
Click an icon below for information about the corresponding topic. Click one of the Topic tabs above to show only icons for the corresponding topics.
The tutorials below provide step-by-step introductions to specific subjects. See the Docs tab for links to comprehensive documentation.
Below are links to comprehensive documentation for primary Doradus topics: the OLAP service, Spider service, and Administration. The Reference links provide online web-based documentation. The PDF links provide the same information as downloadable PDF files.
The links below provide complete, prebuilt applications that demonstrate different aspects of Doradus.
Use the links below to download all Source code as a zip file or precompiled Binaries for Linux/Mac (tar) or Windows (zip). See the 1-2-3 Process topic for instructions on using the binary downloads.
Want to get started with Doradus quickly? The steps below download precompiled releases of Doradus and Cassandra, install them, and run them. Some sample data is also installed so you can start trying out queries right away!
  • For Linux and Mac:
    • Step 1. Download the distribution by clicking the tar file icon below.
    • Step 2. From the directory where you downloaded the file enter: tar -xvf Doradus-distribution-x.x.tar
    • Step 3. Start the install/run process by entering: ./doradus-dist-run.sh

  • For Windows:
    • Step 1. Download the distribution by clicking the zip file icon below.
    • Step 2. Use Windows Explorer to unzip the file.
    • Step 3. From a console window, in the folder where you unzipped the download, enter: doradus-dist-run.bat
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